
  From the 33rd April Spring Friendship Art Festival (Alexandrov Academic Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Russian Army)

  The Alexandrov Academic Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Russian Army is a renowned state-level art organization, which carries forward the fine tradition of the military musical art.
  It raised the curtain of its performance with the immortal revolutionary hymn Song of General Kim Il Sung at the 33rd April Spring Friendship Art Festival. Its artistes showed well their boundless reverence for President Kim Il Sung, who performed enduring exploits for the times and history.
  They represented the patriotic spirit and optimistic living emotions of the Russian soldiers and people and powerfully demonstrated their will to safeguard justice, truth and peace.
  The ensemble made vigorous efforts to prepare on a higher level the art pieces to be staged at the festival, with the result that its performance made a tangible contribution to deepening the friendly feelings between the peoples of the DPRK and the Russian Federation.