
  From the 33rd April Spring Friendship Art Festival (Central Border Guard Ensemble of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation)

  The entertainers of the Central Border Guard Ensemble of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation presented colourful numbers to the 33rd April Spring Friendship Art Festival.
  They raised the curtain of performance with the immortal revolutionary hymn Song of General Kim Il Sung.
  They represented their boundless reverence for President Kim Il Sung of the DPRK who made a great contribution to the socialist construction and the accomplishment of the independent cause of mankind by dint of his outstanding ideology and leadership ability.
  Put on the stage were some numbers showing the Russian people’s patriotism and their traditional culture.
  Through the Korean songs Rays of Affection and Our Mother, the Russian artistes expressed their fascination and reverence for the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un of the DPRK who leads the socialist cause along the road to victory.
  Their distinctive performance, prepared with sincere feelings of friendship, gave a great pleasure to the Korean people on the occasion of the April spring holiday.