Art Education / Art Educational Institution / Early Vocal Music Course at Tongan Senior Middle School in Central District
  Early Vocal Music Course at Tongan Senior Middle School in Central District

  It was established on June 9, Juche 93 (2004).
   Covering the total area of 8 200㎡, its building is equipped with all the necessary conditions for education including classrooms, vocal music teaching rooms, sound detection and sight-reading practice rooms, piano teaching rooms, rhythm teaching rooms, comprehensive training rooms and department offices, etc.
  It teaches basic professional subjects including the vocalization principles, piano, sight-reading, music basics, tune and rhythm.
  It has contributed to demonstrating the Juche art to the world by training many winners of the National Students and Youth Individual Art Competition, and many soloists, cantors, People’s Artistes and Merited Artistes, the stars and extras of the five revolutionary operas and winners of international competitions.

Educational Activities Introduction