Literary Paragraph /  Masters of Times and Revolution
  Masters of Times and Revolution

  All the Korean people lead a worthwhile life full of pride, creating everything with their own hands. Looking back with deep emotion upon the glorious road that they have traversed under the leadership of the peerlessly great persons, they are firmly determined to hasten the brighter future of their socialist country.
  President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il put forward the broad masses of the people, including workers, farmers and intellectuals, as the genuine masters of the revolution and construction and vigorously advanced socialism of our own style.
  Thanks to their sagacious leadership, our working people could lay a foundation for self-sufficient economy and build an invincible socialist state on this land.
  As they are led by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, another peerlessly great man, our people will create all treasures of the country and their happier life with their own efforts filled with pride as the masters of the times and revolution.