Literary Paragraph /  Front-line Musical Instruments
  Front-line Musical Instruments

  During the Fatherland Liberation War, the soldiers of the Korean People’s Army performed heroic exploits in the do-or-die battles with firm confidence in sure victory, and lived full of revolutionary optimism and mettle.
  The front-line musical instruments are the fruition of their ennobling spiritual world, willpower and revolutionary optimism.
  Though they lacked materials, tools and experience for producing musical instruments, they made many instruments in the trenches of the heights by pooling their efforts and wisdom.
  The musical instruments vividly represented the indomitable revolutionary fighting spirit, the spirit of self-reliance and the noble spiritual and moral superiority of the KPA soldiers who were boundlessly faithful to the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung during the war, and served as a powerful weapon of struggle for encouraging them to perform heroic feats.