Literary Paragraph /  On Our National Flag
  On Our National Flag

  The more we look up to our national flag flying in the blue sky of our country, the more our hearts pulsate with the dignity in being citizens of a powerful country and the greater our hopes are.
  Our National Flag, written by Ri Hye Jong and composed by Kim Kang Nam, sings of the faith and will of all the Korean people to love forever their national flag that flutters representing the dignity and mettle of Juche Korea and add eternal brilliance to it.
  Every word of its lyrics portrays the solemn ideological feelings they experience whenever look up to the flag, symbolic of the victorious history of their great state.
  Under the wise leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un the prestige and dignity of our country have reached the highest level possible, and its national flag is fluttering proudly.
  The song will resound forever along with the flag of the Republic, symbolic of victory and justice, powerfully demonstrating the mettle and might of the ever-victorious, heroic Korea to the whole world.